Triplo 4

Ongoing Projects Of Triplo4

Below you can view a list of our current projects at Triplo4. For any additional information please get in touch with us today.

Ballito Village – Part 2 Amendment 2024     
1 Shortbridge Place S24G     
55 South Beach Road S24G     
85 Ocean Drive S30     
329 Cardinal Place     
AECI External Audit 2023     
Ashton College S24GDraft 24G Report    
Ballito Farmer’s Market EMPr     
Ballito Village ECO     
Ballito Village Part 2 Amendment     
Baseline AQA BTT Richards Bay     
Bethesda Hospital Master plan     
Bhamshela WWTW WULA     
Bluegum Estate ECO & WULA     
BTT Richards Bay WULA     
Clairwood Logistics Park ECO     
Dorado Bay S30 ECO     
DTPC Agrizone 1 Access Road ECO     
Dundee Hospital Master plan     
Ecocycle External Audit 2023     
Elaleni Lifestyle Estate – Basic Assessment     
Elaleni Lifestyle WULA     
Eshowe Stormwater upgrade     
Farm Mooifontein Commercial Development     
Gledhow Mill MMP     
Green corridors, Roadhouse Recyclers and KwaMashu Materials Beneficiation Centre.     
Grindrod Terminals PCD Incident Investigation     
Grindrod Terminals Richards Bay Water Quality Monitoring     
Hlabisa PFS S24G – Response to EDTEA     
House Havnar BA & ECO     
Idlala/Homestead – ECO     
Ikhwezi Mixed Use Development BA & WULA     
Jozini PFS ECO     
Jozini PFS P1 amendment     
Karpowership AEL – Coega, Saldanha and Richards Bay     
KDM Crematorium S24G update     
King Edward III Hospital Master Plan     
La Mercy JV Business Plan     
Mbali Men’s Hostel Edendale     
Monitoring for Sheffield and Frasers WWTW     
Msikaba Water Supply ECO & P2 amendment     
Perez WULA     
Platinum Ridge WULA     
P303 Road ECO     
Proposed borehole Zimbali Hotel WULA     
Proposed Provincial Government Precinct Master Plan, uMgungundlovu Municipality     
Proposed Umzumbe Library – BA     
RBIDZ Phase 1F Railway Re-alignment EA    
SAHRA Auditing & mapping tender     
Scope OIls Biodiesel Wholesale License     
Scope Oils WML     
Soil Contamination Testing     
Simbithi Verve Part 1 Amendment     
Southern Regional Bulk Water & Sanitation Scheme WULA     
The Village S30 ECO     
Umhlali Homestead WULA     
Used Oil recycling plant Stanger WML     
VMH EMPr     
Ptn 3 & 5 of Erf 187 Shakas Rock    
VMH Woodlands Part 2 Amendment.     
Woodlands WULA     
Woodlands Estate     
Zinkwazi Maintenance MMP ECO     
KRCP Bayhead -Schedule Activities Permit.