Triplo 4

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World Habitat Day brings everyone together to create sustainable, carbon-neutral, inclusive cities and towns. The day was first celebrated in 1986 with the theme “Shelter is My Right”. The idea that every single person has the basic right of possessing a shelter was for the recognition of this day. Also, to remind that everyone has the power of shaping and developing their habitat was one of the aims.

Triplo4 aligns itself with SDG 11 in making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable as well as ensuring access for all to adequate , safe and affordable housing and basic services.

We are currently working on obtaining the Environmental Authorisation and Water Use Authorisation for the proposed Nonoti Mouth Housing Development which is a priority low cost housing development project. The project is aligned with the KwaDukuza Integrated Human Settlement Development Plan for the area, as approved and adopted by KwaDukuza Municipality in 2006.The total development footprint is approximately 250 hectares in extent which is inhabited by approximately 500 people who currently reside predominately in informally within the area.

Our hope is that someday all people will live in a healthy and safe habitat in harmony with nature. We want people to live without poverty, in a comfortable place, free from worrying thoughts about housing.

We should never forget our collective responsibilities in the matter of building a more equal and sustainable city life.